ICH SEH DAS SO. ICH SEH DAS SO.: And to a new Year.


And to a new Year.

Happy 2014!

We spent the turn of the year calm and relaxed in Lucerne, Switzerland, with a daytrip of skiing (yay!) and sledding on the 31st and a lovely raclette dinner with friends and friends of friends in the evening. We slept in on the 1st (as long as mini-me let us) and relaxed for two more days, with walks by the lake, good food and good company.

Carolin Weinkopf, Lucerne, Luzern, Schweiz, Switzerland
Carolin Weinkopf, Lucerne, Luzern, Schweiz, Switzerland
Carolin Weinkopf, Lucerne, Luzern, Schweiz, Switzerland
Carolin Weinkopf, Lucerne, Luzern, Schweiz, Switzerland
Carolin Weinkopf, Lucerne, Luzern, Schweiz, Switzerland

2013 has been a challenging year, with very sad and a very desperate moments, but a lot of lovely memories as well. We lost a loved one to cancer after a long struggle and sadly had to light even more candles on our window sill over the course of the year, plus multiple occasions that made me cry.

Mini-me taught us never to crow too soon, after three months of wonderful, wonderful sleep in the beginning of the year, we learned about sudden high fevers, colics and endless, sleepless nights. I have not slept for more than a few hours in a row since march (!) and never have I been so close to my limits, mentally and physically. It's crazy how important sleep is, and never did I know this until now. I feel like I have gotten rusty over these crazy past nine months, I have grown grey hair, I have gained weight, I have become grumpy. The past weeks have been a tiny bit better and I am optimistic that we have turned the corner, but I am definately not sure (as I have thought so multiple times already and got disappointed, and the past two nights have been incredibly painful).

Carolin Weinkopf, 2013, Year in Review
Carolin Weinkopf, 2013, Year in Review

As bad as our nights are, the days are bright. If mini-me processes all of his negative energy during the nights, he has none left for the days. He's the happiest baby toddler, blinking and smiling, hugging and loving. We are incredibly lucky and grateful. And when we are out and about, I am the happiest person on this very planet.

Carolin Weinkopf, 2013, Year in Review

2013 was also a year of travelling: We went to India for two weeks, to Oxford twice, had beach vacations at Lake Müritz and Lake Constance, two weeks in Catalunya, spent a week in Oman and a few days in Istanbul. Most of our traveling contained work for me and I am so happy to be back photographing, and actually it was one of my best and most successful years so far. Though I don't feel like I am back at 100% just yet. I guess that's ok, but I still wish it wasn't so. Thinking back, my lecture in Oxford in January, tuktuk riding with my favourite driver in New Delhi in March, asking a totally perplex Lily to be mini-me's godmother in August, walking through the Catalan woods breathing deep in September and being on a boat encircled by hundreds of dolphins in Oman in November have been some of my favourite and treasured memories.

Carolin Weinkopf, 2013, Year in Review
Carolin Weinkopf, 2013, Year in Review
Carolin Weinkopf, 2013, Year in Review
Carolin Weinkopf, 2013, Year in Review
Carolin Weinkopf, 2013, Year in Review

This hasn't been my favourite year personally, but a good one. I am incredibly thankful for my little family and am sure that once the sleep comes back I will be able to look totally different at the adventures of 2013.

My new year's resolution is to look more positive on everything and to relax when I can. Insomnia has built up a tension I've never known, and my goal is to find back to my positive, optimistic and happy self. Maybe some yoga will do. Amen.

(I also want to read more, eat better, start working out, see my friends more often and YES, I want to sleep more!)

All photos: Carolin Weinkopf

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