Life Lately - Best Of #19 - #26/52
I skipped these for a few weeks, because I was either so busy I couldn't sit down and properly phrase a few sentences and pick out the best photos, or I was so relaxed that I didn't want to poison it with reflection. Sorry.
The past weeks have been so up and down and good and bad that I can't even remember really, it's all in a blur. Mini-me has been healthy since April (!) and we have been basically sucking up life as much as possible. I worked a bit less after weeks of total exhaustion. I had a solo exhibition at the officewarming party of an NGO in Berlin. We went to >>Lisa<<'s housewarming and my friend K's 30th birthday. I had dinner and loads of wine at Cordobar for a revival of >>#40DAYSOFEATING<< with >>Lisa<< and >>Maria & Sophia<<. We went home to see the grandparents for a few days, splashing around in my mom's green backyard, ran through the zoo chasing baby goats with my dad and little sibblings, had a Chinese dinner with mini-me's greatgrandmother, explored the woods and went to a babtizing in Stuttgart. I turned 30 and had a little party at home. We taught mini-me how to properly cheer at soccer games. The past weekend, we finally bought a second bike, went to the pool and biked over Tempelhofer Feld (thank you Berlin for voting right!).
Also, it's day two >>without mini-me<< and damn! I must admit, it's heaven! I thought I would miss him like crazy, which of course I do... But last night I slept from 12:30 am until 9:30 am! NO interruption, noone jumping on my face or slapping my butt to wake me up. Just me and a snorring N next to me. Heaven. Also, when working yesterday, I had to grin at the clock. It was 4 pm, and no picking up to do! I worked straight until eight, then watched soccer with my friend J (what a game, while I was bored out of my mind, she fell asleep), uninterrupted. It felt like incredible freedom to make dinner when I was hungry, to eat it hot and not to have someone sitting on my lap smearing oliveoil on my new sweater or spreating cottage cheese over the floor.
From day two's perspective I can definately recommend this break. It's not holidays, but it's a little field trip into life before the birth. And that life was amazing. I'm not saying life is not amazing now, it's richer and more fullfilling definately, but also stuffed with annoyment, fatigue and compromises. I wouldn't switch back ever, even if I could, but this little "trip" into the past does give me a boost. I love it. And I'm enjoying it until the very last second. And I might do this more often from now on.
Thanks to mini-me's caretaker for giving me lively updates like this: "He has been chasing mini-pigs since our arrival, ate an excessive dinner and is now fast asleep. Enjoy your time off, because he is well taken care of."
I will.

All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone (except of the picture of me on the bike, that's taken by Rosie Ubacher)
The past weeks have been so up and down and good and bad that I can't even remember really, it's all in a blur. Mini-me has been healthy since April (!) and we have been basically sucking up life as much as possible. I worked a bit less after weeks of total exhaustion. I had a solo exhibition at the officewarming party of an NGO in Berlin. We went to >>Lisa<<'s housewarming and my friend K's 30th birthday. I had dinner and loads of wine at Cordobar for a revival of >>#40DAYSOFEATING<< with >>Lisa<< and >>Maria & Sophia<<. We went home to see the grandparents for a few days, splashing around in my mom's green backyard, ran through the zoo chasing baby goats with my dad and little sibblings, had a Chinese dinner with mini-me's greatgrandmother, explored the woods and went to a babtizing in Stuttgart. I turned 30 and had a little party at home. We taught mini-me how to properly cheer at soccer games. The past weekend, we finally bought a second bike, went to the pool and biked over Tempelhofer Feld (thank you Berlin for voting right!).
Also, it's day two >>without mini-me<< and damn! I must admit, it's heaven! I thought I would miss him like crazy, which of course I do... But last night I slept from 12:30 am until 9:30 am! NO interruption, noone jumping on my face or slapping my butt to wake me up. Just me and a snorring N next to me. Heaven. Also, when working yesterday, I had to grin at the clock. It was 4 pm, and no picking up to do! I worked straight until eight, then watched soccer with my friend J (what a game, while I was bored out of my mind, she fell asleep), uninterrupted. It felt like incredible freedom to make dinner when I was hungry, to eat it hot and not to have someone sitting on my lap smearing oliveoil on my new sweater or spreating cottage cheese over the floor.
From day two's perspective I can definately recommend this break. It's not holidays, but it's a little field trip into life before the birth. And that life was amazing. I'm not saying life is not amazing now, it's richer and more fullfilling definately, but also stuffed with annoyment, fatigue and compromises. I wouldn't switch back ever, even if I could, but this little "trip" into the past does give me a boost. I love it. And I'm enjoying it until the very last second. And I might do this more often from now on.
Thanks to mini-me's caretaker for giving me lively updates like this: "He has been chasing mini-pigs since our arrival, ate an excessive dinner and is now fast asleep. Enjoy your time off, because he is well taken care of."
I will.

All photos: Carolin Weinkopf via iPhone (except of the picture of me on the bike, that's taken by Rosie Ubacher)
careaux - Tue Jul 1, 10:07